
Allagash Brewery review

I just had a few pints of a new beer (or rather new to me) called Allagash. 
They are based in Maine, I am not sure how long they have been brewing but I had a fantastic experience. 
I had the Allagash White. Its their interpretation of a Belgian wheat beer which is one of my favorite styles. It was light, crisp and had just enough sweetness at the end that made it perfect for me. They have 5 other beers that I will sure to find and write about in the near future.
I recommend Allagash, hopefully you have the same experience.

more facts


more beer facts

Awesome beer facts

this is quite impressive, props to http://www.wallstats.com for making this awesome graph. More to come. 


True love

This just says it all.


Well, summer is coming around and I have to start getting my act together and start brewing at the house. It would seem that someone who brews beer at a microbrewery wouldn`t need to make his own beer at home, and you are right. I don`t need to make my own stuff, there is more than enough at the brewery to drink. Sometimes though, you just want more variety. We make 13 kinds of beers at the moment, but there are dozens of kinds of beer. So at home, I make stuff that we don`t make at the brewery. This way, when I am at work, I drink what they have, then when I get home, I can switch to something else. Another good reason for brewing at home, creating new recipes on a small scale. This way you don`t waste manpower on the job or ingredients. I make a small batch at home, and when it comes out good, we can then scale it up and give it a try at the brewery. Anyway, lets see what I can concoct and I will post the results.


Beer Sweater

I think this speaks for itself.