
Very first beer can

Beer canning had to start somewhere and it started right here in the U.S. Hope Dan is having better luck canning at his brewery.
"American Can Co. began experimenting with canned beer in 1931, as it anticipated the end of Prohibition. Krueger’s Special Beer was the first commercially packaged beer in a can. The very first canned beer was sold in Richmond, Virginia in 1935. Early on, manufacturers were mostly concerned with creating a beer can that could hold up to the heat and pressure of the pasteurization process without bursting or later leaking on the store shelves. Style and branding were considered, but were not a top priority in the beginning. Pabst was the first major brewer to offer beer in a can. "
via neatorama.


Brew log: Beer date may 22 2009

Well, another day of canning down the drain. I got a call from the boss early this morning telling me that a co2 line burst during the night and that we could not can today because the resevoir was empty. I had never thought of this, but he said to me later in the day that there was about 2 inches of ice around the fittings where it leaked out! So now we have to wait till everything melts, sterelize the lines, fix them and then me might be able to start canning-Monday we will try again. So what does a brewer do when his day gets ruined like this, and all the fermenters are full, he cleans. So I spent the entire day scrubbing and shinning equipement as well as inspecting and cleaning the brewing line and hoses. At least, at the end of a day like this, I am surounded by the best antedote for a hard days work-beer. Ah yes, a nice cold brew, it tastes so good at the end of the day. So relax and have a microbrew!


Beer Blog: Beer date 05/16/2009

Well canning is underway at Archibald. As we are still getting used to the new equipment, we keep running into more and more problems, but we learn with each hurdle. We have about four palates made so far and the delivery date is approaching fast. Today we were supposed to make three more palates but we ran into another problem, our walk-in freezer where we keep the beer right before canning stopped freezing. The boss called at 7:00 am to tell me not to come in because the freezer was at 38 degrees. The cold really helps the beer in keeping its co2 while making its way down the lines to the canning machine and it helps as well when the beer enters the can. Anyway, the day was canceled until the freezer gets fixed.
We have been working non-stop trying to meet the delivery date, so writing here has become a little mor difficult than before, but I will try to keep up. One problem that we have run into is that we can`t keep up with consumption at the brewery. We normally have 11 beers on tap all the time but because of the cans, we are down by 3 kinds and there are 2 others that from time to time, we run out. We just don`t have the time nor the space to make all of the beers. What really gets annoying is everyday the waiters ask me when they will be coming out and I keep repeating the same thing : when we get around to making them. One day, we will get caught up.
Well, until next time beer lover


Keg bar

Well I made my first ice keg bar over the weekend. 
1500 lbs of ice, a couple of hours and voila, keg ice bar. 
Lots o fun!