If ever you are lucky enough to have your own brewery, and you decide to do major renovations by adding new equipment or the like, whateve the amount of time that you plan to get everything done, double if not triple this amount. You must think how many different professions are going to be working in the place at the same time: plumbers, electriciens, engineers, moving guys, painters, etc. then you have your own employees and finding something for them to do. The other thing is that things can get delayed, such as equipment. So anyway, the brewery that I work at, by the way www.archibaldmicrobrasserie.com is receiving new equipment, and second building and a canning line. There is lots going on and we were supposed to be brewing last week: one week of renovations, then right back to work. In no way is it the masterbrewer's fault, but we are in our 3rd week or renovatons and we should be finally brewing tomorrow. I am really looking forward to using the new equipment: mash mixer (yeah, no more manual mixing!!!) new steam boiler and whirlpool tank as well as a new canning line which we will get in 2 weeks. For me, this is a great learning opportunity because so far we have been using an electric boiler and as I mentioned earlier, manual brewing. At the same time, new equipment means new problems. I'll keep you posted.